Thursday, August 25, 2011

Week 10 - Conclusions

Thanks to our amazing teacher Donna Shaw and all e-colleagues who intensely participated in this course, I was able to learn beyond my expectations.
In these ten weeks we were exposed to a successful model for ground-breaking teaching.
Little by little I was able to integrate technology to my class:  creating a blog,  a wiki, a website, using new searching engines, setting up behavioral objectives, using skill-building websites available,  teaching through PBL and WebQuests, adjusting rubrics and assessment tools, working with large classes and one-computer classroom,   and finally writing a project to be developed in my own classroom.
The readings and discussions about learning styles, multiple intelligences and learner autonomy were paramount to the critique of my own conduct as a teacher.
I’d like to reaffirm my belief that we’re all better teachers thanks to Donna’s persistent work and better people after a journey of so much sharing and enthusiasm we all kept high throughout the course. Let us all celebrate what we have achieved so far because it is a good thing.

I wish you all the very best!


  1. Little by little we can get far.

    I also learnt this way, and implemented what Donna taught.

    Best wishes dearl Malu


  2. Dear Malu,
    Thank you a lot for your wonderful words and brief conclusion of the course. I agree with you that everything starts little by little and I claim that little will be a success one day. I also agree with that all the readings that we were exposed were very informative. Yes, it is Donna who made us where we are today in integrating technology in language teaching.

  3. Dear Malu;

    You made a synthesis about everything we learned in this course and I similar than you, want to thank to Donna for her brilliant tuition and I want to thank to you too, because your opinions helped me a lot in my teaching process, thy invited me to reflect about the pluses and minuses of my teaching process.

    Wish you all the best,


  4. Dear Malu,

    Thank you for sharing your final reflection and also for helping me with my project plan! As you said, we learned a lot about ground-breaking approaches and the experience we've had here will be a firm basis for our teaching journey.

    I hope your project will be a huge success and I wish you all the best too!



  5. Dear Malu,

    Thank you for sharing your final reflection and also for helping me with my project plan! As you said, we learned a lot about ground-breaking approaches and the experience we've had here will be a firm basis for our teaching journey.

    I hope your project will be a huge success and I wish you all the best too!



  6. Thank you all so much for your dear words.

  7. Dear Malu,

    Thank you for the comment on my blog.
    It was a great learning experience with you.
    Thank you.


  8. Dear Malu,

    Thank you for the comments on my blog.
    It was a great learning experience with you.
    Thank you.


  9. Dear Malu,

    I have created a Facebook group for us, the course participants. please join.


  10. What a wonderful idea! Thank you!

  11. Hi Malu,

    I 100% agree with you about your belief that we're all better teacher now.

    What a marvelous weeks right! Don't you agree with me?

    warm regard,

  12. Dear Malu,

    I am so happy to read the wonderful and kind words in your blog. Thank you for your post. I will miss you--you've been wonderful to work with.

