Thanks to our amazing teacher Donna Shaw and all e-colleagues who intensely participated in this course, I was able to learn beyond my expectations.
In these ten weeks we were exposed to a successful model for ground-breaking teaching.
Little by little I was able to integrate technology to my class: creating a blog, a wiki, a website, using new searching engines, setting up behavioral objectives, using skill-building websites available, teaching through PBL and WebQuests, adjusting rubrics and assessment tools, working with large classes and one-computer classroom, and finally writing a project to be developed in my own classroom.
The readings and discussions about learning styles, multiple intelligences and learner autonomy were paramount to the critique of my own conduct as a teacher.
I’d like to reaffirm my belief that we’re all better teachers thanks to Donna’s persistent work and better people after a journey of so much sharing and enthusiasm we all kept high throughout the course. Let us all celebrate what we have achieved so far because it is a good thing.
I wish you all the very best!